Our Broome Camels in Blue, Broome’s friendliest camels, experience the difference with Broome’s original camel lady Alison Bird with 30 years experience. Morning, afternoon or sunset Cable Beach camel ride, join our Broome cameleers team who will take you on scenic trip right along the beachfront; pose for photos, take in an incredible sunset, and come away with a wonderful travel memory!
ASLAN is so tall and broad that he can claim to be the biggest camel of the lot. He has a nice personality. Aslan is the Lion King of the herd (named after the Lion in The Cronicales of Narnia). He is 37yo and he came here when he was 23. Aslan also came from South of Alice Springs. With some others he was on his way to an abattoir but instead he and the others were rescued by Broome Camel Safaris and live here now. Aslan is a good and strong worker on the beach. As he is ageing he has less power in the group nowadays but he is still considered an high ranking by the others. Aslan is brave and will explore new adventures easily, other camels will then follow suit.
WONDI means Woman, came to Broome Camel Safaris as an orphan. She was attacked by dogs and has many scars remaining. She is mature and slightly arthritic.
NEGEV, which is the name of a desert in Sinai, is a tall, dark and handsome camel. Negev loves being patted yet can be a bit weary of people. Once he likes you though he can be quite demanding of affection. He has at times cornered his favourite people so you can’t leave the yard before giving him big hugs.
KASHANN comes from Tanami Down Station and is around 13yo. She has a strong personality and her bossiness is ranking her top of the pecking order in her yard.
ABBASIM is currently the lead camel, his name means Son of the Father. He is very sweet and gentle and Abbasim loves kisses. He is so affectionate he can come into your space a bit if you let him. Abbasim is 19yo and has been with Broome Camel Safaris for 14 years now, so he was 5yo when he came to Broome. Abbasim is beautiful dark brown and although he may seem to look worried, rest assured he is not; he is a very happy camel.
MUNDI lives in a separate paddock. He is in his late twenties and a big solid camel. Many people have tried to train Mundi however no one really succeeded as he is very insecure and afraid of people. This can make him unreliable to have around and when working with the others. His name is latin and means the World or the Earth.
AQABA is 25 year old and came from a station on the Gibb River road to Broome 16 years ago. When he first arrived he was covered in chains. Aqaba is very sweet and totally obsessed with carrots. No matter how much he loves people, he loves carrots more. Aqaba has a droopy lip which makes him easy to recognise.
NARNIA is a girl and 6 years old. Narnia is partly trained to become a working camel. She can get bored easily as she is very smart and sometimes this can come out as bossiness. Narnia came from Strellie Station in the Pilbara where she was initially kept as a pet.
GHANNAM means Shepherd, he is 37 years old. Ghannam has a very gentle temperament however can be a little set in his way. He does like pats but not all the time. Ghannam is a steady and reliable worker. It took only 2 weeks to train him after he came from Tanami Downs Station. When Ghannam arrived when he was already mature and he had a ripped ear and had suffered from some trauma and unhealthy interventions. His fear initially made him chase people out of the yard. Ghannam proved to be very smart though: he got over his past hurts and proved very trainable and a good worker. He is called the Professor by the staff because he is so intelligent.
TAMAR: means Palm Tree, and is not trained yet. She is very sensitive and scared of anything different, that means it will take a lot longer to train her. She is also a mature camel so set in her ways. She is about 23 year old.
ZION means Gods Mountain, he is a white camel and is about 6 years old. Zion started his training last year and works good, however he is still a bit immature. Once he has grown up a bit more he will be part of the working team. Zion is very good at climbing over fences, though does at times injure himself doing so. He climbs out to go bush walking. Zion is Shaloms calf, he is very friendly and nice.
RAMON has a sweet personality and looks short and stumpy. Ramon is 8yo and has not been trained yet.
SHALOM is Zion’s mother and both came to Broome Camel Safaris about 6-7 years ago. Shalom is about 30 years old now and has not learned how to work as she arrived with a calf at the time. Now she is of age so she can just live her happy life without working.
KADESH is a sweety. He is 19yo and came from Stuart Wells, South of Alice Springs. Kadesh has been with Broome Camel Safaris since 2011. With Jarndah he came walking to Broome led by a local lady called Ingrid. Kadesh likes walking up front when in the ‘train’ and will push the camel in front of him on. He loves cuddles and his name mean ‘Holy’.
ENOCH hurt himself during his training process so can’t walk properly anymore. He is small and very friendly and much loved by the staff and other camels in the yard.
MOSHE is the youngest working camel. Also originating from Tanami Downs Station, Moshe has been here since he was 1yo, he is now 10yo. Moshe arrived in Broome injured after jumping over a fence and needed a long time to recover and heal. Moshe is a very nice and gentle camel. As he is young he is moving his way up in the pecking order of the herd. Moshe is another name for Moses. He is a red camel.
AIJALON is a very intelligent camel who started training last year. Aijalon is nearly 8 years old and very nice to handle. Aijalon is the top of the pecking order in his juvenile yard.
JABUL is 20 yo and came from South of Alice Springs. He has a strange personality and unless you have carrots he is not particularly friendly. However he is a good worker; he loves taking the tours on Cable Beach. Provided he is handled by an experienced worker Jabul behaves really well; this may be due to having low self esteem (when your leader is strong and confident it is easier to be a little uncertain yourself). Jabul loves to hang out with Aslan who is top in the pecking order, that way he feels more secure within the herd. He will test out camels or people that are not known to him and find out if you are strong.
TIMRIN is also a very sweet camel and a little arthritic. This is maybe due to malnourishment when he was young. Timrin needs to keep active to stay well, however he may never become a solid working camel for these health reasons. Timrin is about 8 years old and low in the pecking order, however he won’t be pushed around by anyone. He is a big camel.
EZRA means Messenger of God, comes from another camel tour business. He is trained and can be led around and ridden however he does not like to be outside of the yard. This season he is spending time free ranging which may make him tour ready for next season.
AMOS is much loved and has a funny personality. He can seem a bit stand offish, however he is really a comedian. Amos may test people that he does not know a bit by pulling faces, doings funny things with his lips and may pretend to bite. If you know him well and understand him, he is easy to get along with. Amos’ name means Burden. He is 20yo and comes from South of Alice Springs. Amos likes to be in the middle of the camel train.
GOMER has had some training to start working, he is already as big as a working camel whilst he is still young. Gomer can be sensitive and needs careful handling, which makes it a bit harder to train him so it takes a little longer to get him ready to come to the beach to help out with tours.
KADESH is a sweety. He is 19yo and came from Stuart Wells, South of Alice Springs. Kadesh has been with Broome Camel Safaris since 2011. With Jarndah he came walking to Broome led by a local lady called Ingrid. Kadesh likes walking up front when in the ‘train’ and will push the camel in front of him on. He loves cuddles and his name mean ‘Holy’.
ELI is a 19yo sweety who came from Tanami Downs station. His name means Ascension. Eli is very gentle and looks like a day dreamer when hanging around. He can thus appear to be a bit slow whilst dreaming away, however present a carrot and he will wake up to reality pretty quick!
MARNIN has lived elsewhere in Broome and has not learned well to work together as he was spoiled as a baby. Because Marnin does not fit in the team very well he is keeping Jemma company who he really loves. In the future he may become part of the team when he learns to work better with others. He is very sweet natured.
JORDAN is 21 yo and has been with Alison since 2011 when he came from Tanami Downs station. Jordan is in the top of the pecking order. He is assertive and friendly and can be pushy and dominant if boundaries are not clear. After Jordan was trained and came to the beach for the first time, he broke off from the team. This resulted in him spending a few nights on his own in the dunes. He was found with the aid of a helicopter pilot who lead Jordan back to the beach. Jordan then went for a swim right where a crocodile was spotted the day before and headed out towards Indonesia! Again the helicopter pilot saved the day and lead him back to the beach. By then Jordan was so exhausted he could be caught to be brought home. Jordan is likely the most adventurous camel of the lot!
ZOARAM is a Hebrew word for small however rest assured Zoarom is not a small camel! He is 21yo and came to Broome Camel Safaris in Broome about 14 years ago from the Alice Springs area. Zoaram is a chilled out camel with a little tuft on his head that makes him look like a unicorn. At times Zoaram can be stubborn, but because he has got such good looks he gets away with a little when new trainers come along. The owners of course set him straight about that: he is still expected to be a good boy and do his job well.
SAHARN is a 14yo female working camel. She was born in the Pilbara and has lived with Alison since she was a calf. Saharna is very outgoing and friendly and loves to meet face to face. As in: she will explore your face with hers if she meets you and gets up really close and personal. Saharna is very respectful in doing so and it is up to you to deal with being ticklish if you are. The boys love Saharna a lot, much more than the other girls, which is why she lives with the teenagers/untrained camels. This way she is not constantly wooed. Saharna is also very ‘handy’; when she wants something she will try and get to it by lifting her front feet and trying to get there no matter what.
SHEM is a 14 year old male camel who has been in the working team since 2017 He is a gentle camel with a timid nature and came to us from Tanami downs in 2014. He was too young and immature to work when he arrived but progressed through training quickly once he matured and is now a regular member of the working team. He is also a greedy guts when it comes to feeding time and has the biggest hump in Broome.
JEMMA is retired, she is 21 yo and has been with Broome Camel Safaris since she was a calf. Jemma was orphaned before she came here. Alison bottle fed her for 8 months and then latter trained her. Jemma has retired a little early as she is small and thus not so strong. Jemma also has some arthritis.
BOAZ is a really gentle and sensitive camel. He is 14yo and also came from Tanami Down Station. You need to treat him kindly so he can be loved and love you right back. Boaz likes a calm voice, an easy pace and gentle treatment. His name means Swiftness.